The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Huge Announcement! Live Zombie Rights Debate in Victoria, Texas

I’ve been sitting on this one waiting to make the announcement but I figure that now is as good a time as any.

Remember when the ZRC blog excoriated the University of Houston-Victoria for making ‘World War Z’ the centerpiece of their ‘Community of Readers’ program?

Well, one thing led to another via the magic of the internet, and after some tense, Cuban Missile Crisis-esque high stakes secret negotiations I am pleased to announce that The Zombie Rights Campaign, by invitation of the University of Houston-Victoria, will be participating in a debate on the topic of Zombie Rights at their university on November 29th.

Truly this is a historic occasion, and not just because it allows the ZRC to extend its campaign reach further south than ever before. No, this will be a great day for the entire Zombie Rights Movement, especially if I manage not to get humiliated in a public forum. The righteousness of our arguments shall see us through the day!

Details for the debate follow:

Where? The University of Houston-Victoria, UHV Alcorn Auditorium, University West Building

When? November 29th, 5pm CST

What? The greatest and to my knowledge FIRST public forum debate on the civil rights and liberties of the Differently Animated

Should you attend? YES.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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