The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Another BuyZombie Plunge into Etsy Reveals Mixed Bag of Zombie Products

BuyZombie periodically explores deep into the heart of online randomness merchant site in order to explore for Zombie-related purchases, and we always read their findings with interest. It’s good to know what people are peddling related to Zombies!

This latest foray is no different.

A highlight and a lowlight (is that a word?) follow:


This adorable Zombie cat necklace meets with considerable ZRC approval, combining adorable animals with adorable Zombiism. Only ten dollars too!


This hateful button on the other hand perpetuates ugly stereotypes about Zombies, uncontrollable hunger and cannibalism. For shame.

Etsy is definitely a minefield for Zombie Friendly purchasing! Thanks to the BuyZombie crew for searching the depths for us, and for other potential choices go see their full piece here.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


2 Responses to “Another BuyZombie Plunge into Etsy Reveals Mixed Bag of Zombie Products”

  1. Thank you so much for doing a write up about my post! I love this website, and I was very happy when I saw this! :) Keep up the great work you’re doing here. <3

  2. John Sears says:

    We appreciate all your hard work helping us find Zombie Friendly items. Thank you.

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