The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

A Real Sign of the Maturity of Our Opponents

You know how there’s a phase, perhaps quite lengthy, where kids become obsessed and fascinated by bodily functions, especially making crude jokes about them?

Well, perhaps our enemies on the Anti-Zombie side of the Zombie Rights question are still children in the head as well as at heart, because look at the serious topics they address:

We’ve already discussed whether or not zombies actually swallow what they eat. This photo from French culture and art magazine, Chronic’art, suggests whatever goes in must come out. Imagine the smell!

Yes, that’s the much-vaunted ‘Zombie Research Society’, delving into the important topic of whether the oppressed and maligned Undead population has to defecate.

By using a picture from a French art magazine.

It takes a measure of willpower not to just declare our victory now. It seems inevitable, if as yet still far off.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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