The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Z Magazine’, a Magazine Written BY Zombies, For Zombies? Well, Kind of…

We’ve been trying to advance a Zombie Friendly perspective here for some time at the ZRC, imagining, and of course working toward, a more integrated, peaceful future for both the Living and the Undead.

And of course, since we live in a consumer-oriented, capitalist society, that will undoubtedly involve marketing and selling products FOR Zombies.

But I have to say I hadn’t considered a Zombie magazine per se:

Being undead isn’t easy and never has been.

We die and come back. Whether because of viruses, voodoo, or unknown causes, the result is always the same. The living question the purpose of their existence all the time and rarely come up with definitive answers, but when zombies ask themselves that question it’s even harder to answer.

Z Magazine is here to change the way media treats the undead. We’re here to help you embrace the perfect, rotting corpse that you are. Our mission is to give you hope that zombies are making progress in this world. There are models, designers, chefs, parents, and other real people out there who are proud to say they are the walking dead

Now, I know it’s technically satire, and there’s the inevitable disclosure to that effect on the About page, but still, we feel that the overall idea is very Zombie Friendly.

We’re happy to see it contributing to the conversation and hope that Z Magazine can change a few minds and open a few hearts. As a matter of fact, the ZRC might want to advertise in it someday.

You can get a very thorough look inside the magazine with this video, even:

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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