The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Anti-Zombie Pets? Why Not Adopt a Zombie Pet Today?

The Zombie Research Society has some of their usual fearmongering about the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ up, today concerning the potential utility of dogs and cats in sniffing out (and persecuting) the soon-to-revive-as-Zombies:

There’s little question that the transformation caused by a zombie infection could be easily picked up by any number of common and exotic animals. So when the dead rise pay close attention to your pets. They want to stay alive just as much as you do, and chances are they’re a lot more aware of what’s actually going on.

Shocking intolerance, I know. But it brings up another issue relating to Zombies and pets, namely, Zombie Pets.

The ZRC would urge you to consider adopting an Undead pet if you are looking for an animal friend to join your family. Undead animals are, sadly, considered less desirable as companions by a wide swathe of the population, and many have difficulty finding loving homes. While Zombie animals’ dietary and care needs may differ from their Living counterparts they are no less caring and affectionate, and with patience and understanding we trust you will form an Unlife-long bond with your Zomdog or Zomcat, Zombird, etc.

So please, give thought to adopting a Zombie pet today.

Zombie dogs love kids too. (and not just Zombie kids!)

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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