The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

World War Z: It’s Official, and We’re On the Case

So you’ve no doubt seen the big news from Comic-Con: the long-rumored World War Z movie is very real, it really does star Brad Pitt, and it is in development.

All the ZRC can say for the moment is that we’re appalled. In the annals of Anti-Zombie literature, hatemonger Max Brooks looms large, having done for hatred of Zombies in mainstream literature what Romero did in movies, Capcom did in videogames and Robert Kirkman did in comics. He peddles a seductive product, with tight narrative brought to life by copious amounts of detail and fascinating characters.

Of course, they’re all LIVING characters, because Max Brooks is a paragon of Living Supremacy.

The ZRC will continue to monitor news of this, ahem, film as it goes through development, and rest assured, when it debuts in two years we WILL be here, still working toward a brighter future for the Differently Animated, in spite of Mr. Pitt and Mr. Brooks.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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