The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Har Har

So the people at Split Lip Comics have a store alongside their horror comics website. That’s not so surprising.

However, their new product is ripe with negative stereotypes about Zombies:

The rain in Spain stays mainly in the brains! Henry Higgins is in for more than he bargained for with this less than fair lady. T-shirt comes in Cherry Red and Black.

See, it’s funny because Zombies love brains to the exclusion of everything else, and it’s also funny to imagine Zombies in polite English society munching said brains.

Har-de-har. Alternately we could *not* sell shirts engaging in lifeist stereotyping against a minority population. Just an idea, Split Lip. Just an idea.

If you’d prefer to purchase a shirt with a positive depiction of the Differently Animated, you could always visit our store instead.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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