The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

A ‘Zombie’ Perspective on ‘Run for Your Lives 5k’

Naturally, the ‘Zombies’ for these Anti-Zombie events are actors recruited from the Living Community, but there is still valuable behind the scenes detail to be gleaned from this post on The Mary Sue:

It was time to head out onto the course. We had all been assigned Zone 5, which was fortunately outfitted with shade and a little rustic house. We had two stumbling zombies with us. The first wave of runners took us a bit by surprise. We had only grabbed a few flags from them. We quickly got to work on strategy.

Our plan was to have one stumbling zombie by the rustic house, hidden. And the other stumbler to hide behind a big stump. They would jump out to surprise runners and take their flags, and us chasers would do anything we could to get them either near the stumblers or get the flags before they could get out of our area.

This sort of strategizing would seem to work against the ‘Zombies are mindless brain-eaters’ motif of ‘Run for Your Lives’, wouldn’t it? I’m a bit surprised the organizers allowed it, but the ZRC is generally in favor of ‘Zombies’ getting a chance to win.

Then there was this:

We hit the Apocalypse Party following our run. There were a handful of merchant tents, Subaru having the biggest one, and zombie-inspired paraphernalia. There was a band playing on a stage with some of the runners and spectators watching. And a “runners revenge” dunk tank, where you could dunk a zombie. There were campers set up on the far edge of the party. We had problems redeeming our drink tickets, because only one area would allow us to use them. And we had to get them to make an exception because none of us wanted any beer. Overall, the party felt a bit forced, although we were there early and that could be why.

Yes, add Subaru to the list of Anti-Zombie automakers. Sigh. Such a long list lately, too.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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