The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The Zombie Rights Campaign at Horrorhound

That was a brisk weekend of outreach for the ZRC! Special thanks to ZRC pal Michelle Hartz, author of ‘Brains for the Zombie Soul‘, for capably operating our booth on Friday while I was otherwise detained learning about contracts and such.

Zombies need contracts too, right?

Horrorhound was of course inundated with Zombie-related media, and sadly, much of it seemed overtly Anti-Zombie. Anyone who thought that Zombie books were on their way out might want to re-evaluate that position:



The ZRC is hoping for some outsourced book reviews as we noticed Ms. Hartz picking up a rather large pile of Zombie-related books at the convention.

Hint hint. We can pay in Zombie-related wine…

Moving on, our ZRC friends at the found. booth did a brisk trade and won three major awards at the convention on Saturday. They also had an ingenious idea to lure in patrons with popcorn. Hmm, popcorn.


I’m thinking green cotton candy might work similar magic for the ZRC. Must investigate.

The Zombiisage booth was here again giving Zombie-themed and totally not-skull-crushing massages to convention goers, which seems very Zombie Friendly to us here at the ZRC.

Also at Horrorhound: Undead pony rides! Well, Undead rocking-horse pony rides. Close enough!

Several cars in the parking lot were sporting stickers (not ours!) pledging support for the Undead, though sadly, some fell prey to the media’s typical divide-and-conquer strategies:



There were of course Zombie-hating detractors, including a motley crew of Umbrella agents and sympathizers:


And I don’t even know what to make of this:


Yes… riiight… ok then.

On the whole, another great convention! Particular highlights include a running con-feud with Timothy W. Long, author of some highly disturbing Zombie-books, a couple of run-ins with our nemeses from S.T.A.R.S., talks with members of the public about Zombie Voting Rights, Zombie Standup Comedians, educating students to respect Zombies, raising one’s own children Zombie Friendly and much more.

Whew. We’re tuckered out.

But there is much to do and much to review before next month, when we’ll be hitting both The Dark Carnival and Nightmare on Chicago Street for some protesting, picketing, and as always, outreach to the general public, who we hope will continue to be receptive to our Zombie Friendly message.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


2 Responses to “The Zombie Rights Campaign at Horrorhound”

  1. It was fun to volunteer at your booth and help garner more support for the differently animated. I’ve started on my pile of books, and I’ll shoot a few reviews your way. (The wine and t-shirt bribes do help though…)

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