The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC Calendar for 2013 (So Far)

Now that the school season is over it’s good to get our ducks in a row and start planning for road trips, conventions and general mischief-making on behalf of the Differently Animated. Here’s what we have so far:

When: June 21st
Where: Madison?
What: World War Z

It’s not a public event per se, but the ZRC will definitely attend an opening night screening of World War Z. And then probably drink sorrowfully, in mourning for all the innocent Zombies who lose their Unlives on screen. Out of prejudice. If it’s anything super-swanky we’ll put details on the blog. No one should drink sorrowfully alone.

When: August 30th-31st
Where: Columbus, Indiana
What: The Dark Carnival Film Festival

The ZRC has been at every Dark Carnival Film Festival, even before we were officially the world’s foremost Zombie Rights lobby, and we’ll be back this year as it moves to a new home in Columbus, Indiana.

We love picketing a new town. If you’re in the area, come out for some great movies, some probably quite offensive movies, and picketing.

When: September 6-8th
Where: Indianapolis, Indiana
What: Horrorhound Weekend

One of the biggest horror conventions in the country again returns to Indianapolis and the ZRC will be there trying to talk some sense into a very Anti-Zombie industry. As has become our custom, we will be sharing booth space with the talented Michelle Hartz, who we have heard is working on a VERY interesting new Undead-related book. I would not be surprised if you can pick up a copy at Horrorhound too.

When: Halloween
Where: Undetermined
What: Picketing! Protests! Capitalism!

We always do something on Halloween and this year will be no different. Maybe Chicago, maybe Madison, maybe a town near you? We’ll keep you updated.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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