The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Avon Zombie Walk: Zombies Doing Good, Halloween Adjacent

The Zombie Rights Campaign knows how hard it can be to find a good social outing for a mixed Living/Undead crowd around Halloween. There tend to be a lot of… overly enthusiastic fans of the latest Anti-Zombie media around that time of year, and misunderstandings often result.

It can be awkward.

So we keep an eye out for promising and potentially Zombie Friendly events in the autumn, a good chance for the Differently Animated to limber up their aching, sometimes tenuously attached bones before winter’s chill sets in. Bonus points if they support any good causes.

In that vein, I think we have a winner in the Avon Zombie Walk:

Our walk date is October 26, 2013 from 6-8 for the actual walk.

The purpose of AZW is to collect food for the Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition and although we are including a lot of fun stuff, this is the main focus.

We ask the each walker bring at least 10 non-perishable food items. This is just a suggested amount. If you would like to bring more, we would appreciate it greatly. If you cannot bring that amount, we thank you for bringing what you can.

See? Open and inviting, an event where they don’t care about the color (or relative decomposition) of your skin, but how many canned goods you can haul in.

And Zombies, as we have pointed out, are often quite strong. In a good way.

There are a slew of Zombie positive events planned as well, including one we’ve never heard of before in conjunction with a Zombie event:

Fun stuff we are hoping to include are a cake decorating contest and a thriller dance. Check out the events page for exact times. In conjuction with the walk, we’d like to have a pre-walk movie and flash mob events but details have yet to be worked out.

Zombie cake decorating. Zombie cakes! Oh this could be delicious (get it?) fun. I’d love to see some Zombie cakes.

It sounds like just the sort of thing the fine residents of Avon, Indiana should get behind. For more information, they have a website and a Facebook page.

Do it for the Zombies.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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