The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

The ZRC at Flashback Weekend

(These poor Zombies clearly just want friends or hugs)

Hello, Zombie Allies! This post is mainly a brief selection of photos from our recent trip to Flashback Weekend. The ZRC was mainly there for a little outreach with/recon on the cast of ‘Dawn of the Dead’, and I think it was a success! In particular, Gaylen Ross took one of our signature pamphlets to read about Zombie Rights later.

A convert, we hope?

The ZRC was also super-pleased to see that even businesses we have never (to our knowledge) directly spoken to have picked up on the Zombie Friendly cause, through the power of capitalism!


Michelle Hartz deserves a lot of credit for printing up those little tent sign beauties. If your business is Zombie Friendly, let the ZRC know and we will get you a sign to display your mercantile tolerance!

Sadly we didn’t have time to stick around for much of the festivities. Next year in Chicago, perhaps?

PS. We did have time to pick up one very cool/potentially historic item at Flashback: an actual piece of the ‘Dawn of the Dead’ mall.

No, really:



This little beauty is a piece of the exterior of the J.C. Penney seen in the movie, and the ZRC likes to think we’re reclaiming it for a more tolerant future. We obtained it from the Monroeville Zombies people, who are apparently setting up a museum dedicated to ‘Dawn of the Dead’.

We hope it has room for a future Zombie Rights perspective alcove.

The ZRC hopes to see some of you at either Dark Carnival Film Festival in about two weeks, or a week later at Horrorhound Indianapolis!

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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