The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Geek.kon Conclusion

Well, that was a satisfying 3 days of activism indeed.

Our last day in the Vendor area went quite well, and I’m happy to report that we sold completely out of Zombie Strong wristbands. That’s a ‘nice problem to have’, as they say on Metalocalypse. We’re going to put in a new order, eh, probably this week, and we’re thinking of doing another series of wristbands as well, since people love them so much.

We did cut short the sales and outreach portion of our weekend a bit so that we could go see Dr. Cancer and the SKAmbies, who actually took the time to stop by our place before the show. A productive dialogue was had, and I’ll talk extensively about the band in an upcoming post.

After the concert it was sadly time to go home, as the convention was over. All in all, the ZRC had a fantastic time! We enlightened some anime loving geeks about Zombies, which is very good preventative medicine for when the despicable and morally repugnant spectacle called Highschool of the Dead comes to our shores. In fact, we overheard people at the convention discussing the shallow blood and breast-a-thon at the show, so we arrived on the scene just in time. I shudder to think of the damage this televised sadism will inflict on the Zombie public image once it’s out on DVD in Region 1.

And so, hearts light and cashbox heavy, the ZRC departed from the convention center. In all likelihood we will return next year, ready to beat back prejudice against Zombies once more from the throngs of geeks, nerds and otaku.

Now, onward, to the Resident Evil protest this Friday!

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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