The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Resident Evil: Afterlife Screening Update

So it seems that here in Madison the local IMAX theatre has decided to go with good taste over Zombie-bashing and is showing a 3D movie based on the famed repair of the Hubble telescope.

(Which as we all know was most recently broken by Mike Nelson in the MST3k movie, proving that he is a threat not just to Zombies but to Science)

Thus the ZRC will be seeing the film this week, but in the merely grotesque Digital 3D and not the super-excessively-terrible IMAX 3D. I apologize… for nothing really. Voluntary exposure of any kind to this movie is already an enormous sacrifice of brain cells!

A sacrifice the ZRC is willing to make on your behalf, of course.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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