The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Fall Planning

Sorry about the lack of new updates the last couple of days; I had some serious cramming to do for a non-Zombie Rights project in my other life, and then tonight we had a social function, again not Zombie related. Shocking, I know.

The ZRC is of course getting excited for our Fall calendar of events. We have the Dark Carnival, of course, and we plan to attend at least part of the Horror Society’s upcoming 2 day film festival; I’ll be updating the front page when we finalize our plans. We also plan to take our shiny new camera and our tried and true picket signs to State Street here in Madison for the annual Halloween bash the city has rebranded as ‘Freakfest’ since it took control; over 40k people attending a costume party, that’s always great outreach.

I also have some comics reviews I have been sitting on for about a month now; other stuff just keeps coming up, it’s very exciting around here of late.

In addition, it’s almost time for the Second Annual Zombie of the Year awards. I’ve had a list of great nominees in my head for some time, so we’ll have to pick the finalists and put that up. It’s always so hard to pick one winner, but as we approach Halloween it’s important to highlight positive Zombie role models, in contrast to the glut of Anti-Zombie tripe that always spills out in time for the holiday.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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