The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘The Fear’ Haunted House an Outrage Against the Differently Animated

Did you know that there’s a haunted house on Navy Pier in Chicago called ‘The Fear’?

If so, did you know that it’s a horrible outrage against the Differently Animated?

You see, the theme of this haunted house is that various Undead or ‘monstrous’ entities were captured and have now been put on display for the amusement and terror of haunted house patrons.

Here you can see the despicable, Living-Supremacist manner in which they regard Zombies:


Space radiation, Voodoo spell, scientific mistake or… who cares? They eat people, crave brains, and no matter how slow they move, they always catch you. Look around you, they’re everywhere. Whether it be in the mall, the streets, or the cubical next to you, the only difference is which one is more dead than the other.

Truly this ‘amusement’ facility is a travesty and a severe blow to cordial relations between the Zombie and Living communities in Chicago, one of the most progressive places on Earth with regards to the Differently Animated.

I learned about this haunted house via the Horror Society, which has obtained some free passes that will be given away at the Horror Society Film Festival (that you should really be attending yourself if you live in the general Chicago area).

I have no idea how many spies, Bothan or otherwise, were required to obtain these vital intelligence gathering passes, but we at the ZRC hope they are put to good use; perhaps even utilized for a rescue mission.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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