The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC at Freakfest 2010

The Zombie Rights Campaign will be making its annual protest appearance at Freakfest, the official, soulless marketing term for Madison’s enormous annual Halloween costume contest/party spectacular.

You can check out the Freakfest lineup here; this year for a musical act they landed OK Go, which is actually pretty awesome.

If past years are any indication it will be a wild yet friendly bacchanal of drinking, elaborate costumes, Anti-Halloween protesters and bored cops on horseback. The ZRC will attend as per usual with our signs and literature, although last year we barely managed to get signage in through security (apparently picket signs are close to weaponry), so no promises we’ll be able to get the signage in this time; the pamphlets should be easier.

If you’re in the Madison area you should seriously come out and join the fun; it’s a great time and a unique experience. How many Halloween parties get 45-50k guests attending?

At least one, and that’s why we’ll be there.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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