The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Some Anthropological Observations on the Subset of Mega64 Fans Who Came to Our Site

Behind a cut to spare actual Zombie Rights enthusiasts the need to read anymore of the (admittedly hilarious) Mega64 trolling issue, seen previously here and here.

1) They are overwhelmingly homophobic. Witness some of the numerous comments about the author being gay because he wrote something that they disagreed with, the faux commands to ‘eat a dick’ or ‘suck it’, and the constant use of the word ‘faggot’.


john sears is a faggot says:
November 6, 2010 at 7:01 pm (Edit)

y’all niggas mad

ppffft says:
November 6, 2010 at 7:17 pm (Edit)

what a faaaaggot

Cocoa says:
November 6, 2010 at 8:43 pm (Edit)

eat a dick

DerhHerp says:
November 6, 2010 at 9:50 pm (Edit)

you can suck it batch

2) They have appallingly bad grammar and spelling.


Peirson Stoned says:
November 6, 2010 at 7:41 pm (Edit)

What does this guy think he’s doooooing, he’s trying to resuce his site! Well that will not happen on my watch not if I have something to say!

Meelad says:
November 6, 2010 at 9:51 pm (Edit)

You mad?

BadFingerBoogie says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:11 am (Edit)

Woah, wait, hang on… I’m surprised, how are you able to type this while a large protruding male genital is filling your mouth?

This is indeed an ingenius discovery.

For the record, Mega64 fans, ‘ingenious’ and ‘rescue’ are spelled thusly, sentences require verbs, not just subjects and adjectives, and spellcheck is free with many word processing programs.

3) They are narcissistic and self-involved, assigning far greater importance to themselves than a reasonable person would conclude is appropriate:

seriously though says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:54 am (Edit)

be honest john, this little “mega64 sucks” post has gotten your blog-site more hits than most of your other posts combined.

just fyi this isn’t the “general attitude of mega64 fans to anyone they disagree with”, this is the internet. it’s all like this. every. single. website.

zombies are relevant and funny guys says:
November 6, 2010 at 7:25 pm (Edit)

Writer tries(and fails) to create a ‘funny’ website.

That video was around eight million times better than this played out joke of a website. Way to call attention to yourself. Have fun in Peoria, morons.

Alex says:
November 6, 2010 at 7:41 pm (Edit)

John Sears you have a website called ZOMBIERIGHTSCAMPAIGN.ORG. Whose the loser here?

Who’s the loser here, Alex?

Well, at least I can use contractions.

Honestly, go right ahead, keep trolling, Mega64 fans. If you think this upsets me you’re sadly mistaken, or haven’t you yet realized that I can shut off your comments at any time with a couple of clicks in my wordpress controls? You are helping boost our search engine rankings though, so thank you for performing a useful service to the ZRC, roughly equivalent to spending a couple bucks on Project Wonderful.

As regards the general sentiments of the Mega64 community that have been represented here, I quote the immortal words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

“I welcome their hatred.”

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


13 Responses to “Some Anthropological Observations on the Subset of Mega64 Fans Who Came to Our Site”

  1. I notice you didn’t quote comments which pertained to your repeated misuse of the term ‘illiterate’ then you continue to make fun of commenter’s grammar, oh the irony.

    The mega64 community has nothing but respect for the homosexual community, we all support shaun and garrets love.

  2. John Sears says:

    I haven’t been misusing the term, despite what you may think, there is such a thing as ‘functional illiteracy’ and the base word ‘illiterate’ does not refer simply to the inability to parse text. (By your logic, word processors are literate, in that they can ‘read’ text and faithfully transcribe it)

    Sadly, no!

    From Merriam Webster (the authority on American English):
    Definition of ILLITERATE
    : having little or no education; especially : unable to read or write
    a : showing or marked by a lack of familiarity with language and literature
    b : violating approved patterns of speaking or writing
    : showing or marked by a lack of acquaintance with the fundamentals of a particular field of knowledge


    functional illiterate noun
    : a person who has had some schooling but does not meet a minimum standard of literacy

    I trust this has been a learning experience.

  3. soz lol im illiterate cant read that lol

  4. John Sears says:

    In other words, faced with definitive proof that you are incorrect and have been misusing the English language, you resort to a childish tantrum.

  5. Fruit Snax says:

    Worst Zombie skit ever.

  6. BEEZLY says:


  7. Peirson Stoned says:

    I love how John gets all up tight about spelling and grammar when this is the Internet where 1. Someone is trying to be cute and uses stuff like lol rofl or stfu or 2. Has just made a slight typing error
    In either case u get the meaning

  8. sean "virtual boy" chatfeild says:

    If you were truly committed to equal rights for Zombies, you would have approached the Mega64 video from a more neutral angle; the plea to tone down the usage of zombies in media could inspire writers to give them a more positive role.

    Or something like that. I don’t know, I don’t have a hardon for zombies. The point is, you broke character, and are continuing to break character by pretending that you don’t care about comments like these, by making several blog posts about comments like these. And that’s the real disappointing thing here.

  9. RadicalJake says:

    I liek how he tries 2 b awl documenttatvie and arkive our talks like we duh dumb onesnstuff.

    I dun got survd.

  10. John Sears says:

    Sean – I haven’t ‘broken’ character because I don’t have a ‘character’ to break. It’s possible to care about having a reasonable discourse AND care about the rights of the Differently Animated. In fact, until this Mega64 incident, the ZRC hadn’t had any trouble critiquing, even very harshly, the work of Anti-Zombie writers and creators. We’ve had good dialogue with Stephen Notely from Plants vs. Zombies, Fred Van Lente from Marvel Zombies, Jonathan Maberry, David Wellington and more, all without once having a knock-down, drag-out argument and without the pointless name calling and vicious slurs and poor manners exhibited by visitors here since the Mega64 post went up.

    I think it says more about the Mega64 fanbase than it does about us, considering the track record.

  11. You could say that Mega64 fans are… BRAIN DEAD!

    By the way, I compiled that slideshow of penises you were asking for, John. Just kidding. I’m such a tease… But I really will if I have to.

  12. sean "virtual boy" chatfeild says:

    “Sean – I haven’t ‘broken’ character because I don’t have a ‘character’ to break. It’s possible to care about having a reasonable discourse AND care about the rights of the Differently Animated. ”

    See? Much better.

  13. Peirson Stoned says:

    Also since i was used as an “example” in the last post for bad grammar go watch Mega64 Version (Season) 3 episode 4! then u will get the joke because thats what all of this has been a joke

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