Zombies and Supermodels? Why Not a Zombie-Supermodel?
A graphic up at GraphMeme illustrates the purported similarities between Zombies and Supermodels in such a way as to be defamatory to both:
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See? They’re both ‘skeletal’, but the Zombie wants to eat your face and suffers from ‘everlasting death’, har-har.
As opposed to what? Temporary death, Buffy the Vampire Slayer style? Moderate-to-long-term death? Death for tax purposes?
Needless to say, this is very offensive to Zombies. One, the stereotypes about them are untrue, and two? Zombies aren’t generally hopped up on pills selling clothes nobody needs to rich people with more money than sense.
That should clear it up, which only leaves the ZRC asking why a Zombie, if they wanted to (for reasons that escape me, but money might be at the top of the list), could not be a supermodel? I mean, if it’s so ‘hard’ to tell the difference to start with.
The answer, obviously, is prejudice. Rank, ugly prejudice. If a Zombie wants to debase themselves in the world of high fashion, they should be allowed, and the absence of any openly Zombile supermodels speaks volumes about the bigotry of the otherwise ‘sell anything to anyone’ clothing-industrial complex.
For shame.
(A tip of the hat to Michelle Hartz and Zombie Universe for informing me about this one)