[REC]3 Out This Fall
Our good friends at The Horror Society have some details on this fall’s release of the latest in cutting edge Euro-Zom movies, the third installment in the [REC] series:
The original [REC] crew are back, ready to submit their ensemble cast to another fight for survival against the zombie infection, this time to the backdrop of an original soundtrack. This new chapter will see the film ‘open up’ by using a more traditional cinematographic style. However the film’s roots have not been forgotten and viewers will still be immersed in the action, watching certain events unfold through the eye of the video camera.
The action in [REC]3 Genesis encompasses the events of the first two films, and after the sense of claustrophobia previously experienced, the action now takes place miles away from the original location and partly in broad daylight, giving the film an entirely fresh, yet disturbing new reality. The infection has left the building.
Yes, it’s so hard to survive the ‘infection’ of having to live side by side with one’s neighbors. That’s a common problem in Europe of late. For some reason, Old Europe is just not very flexible when it comes to immigrants, often resorting to demonizing or demagoguing them, banning their symbols or expression, or, in the case of Zombies it seems, just moving on to straight forward repression.
We’ll take a good hard look at [REC]3 when it comes out and see if it continues the disturbing xenophobia trend or heads in a more hopeful direction. Somehow I doubt it.