The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘What is Coming to Get Us?’ How about Prejudice, Very Small Array?

Shocking.  Though at least Wisconsin is noted for having an important Zombie population.

The ZRC has to take issue with the above graphic from Very Small Array on a number of levels. First, regardless of where you live, Zombies are not ‘coming to get you’. Quite frankly, the whole world doesn’t revolve around Living people, and Zombies don’t just exist to ‘get’ them. Zombies are a diverse lot with their own legitimate hopes and dreams and ambitions.

Second, however, we have to take issue with lumping Zombies (along with Vampires, Ghosts and other innocent Undead) in with such legitimate menaces to public safety as Radiation and Stephen King. How dare you, Very Small Array?! This is outright Zom-bashing and the ZRC is not going to tolerate it. For shame.

I hope you think about what you’ve done, and the unfair aspersions on Undead character you’ve cast, and update this chart accordingly. Wisconsin may face many perils, including potential maple-syrup fueled Canadian invasion, but our local (and valued!) Zombie population is not such a threat.

(A Wisconsin Zombie shows that not only are they not a threat, Zombies can peacefully participate in the civil process, and even put out fires for the community.)

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


9 Responses to “‘What is Coming to Get Us?’ How about Prejudice, Very Small Array?”

  1. Michelle says:

    Daylight Savings Time is coming to get us? I don’t get it.

  2. Wayne Zombie says:

    As an Irradiated American, I resemble that remark. In fact, I’ve twice visited the Trinity Test Site, it’s open to the public the first Saturday of April and October.

    I’ve always thought that people labeling Alaska as vampire territory were rather simplistic. It’s well known that they split the ownership of condos with werewolves who also own places in Southern New Zealand, what right-thinking vampire would want to live in an area with six months of the sun not fully setting?

  3. John Sears says:

    I think it’s a joke about Indiana’s relative reluctance to get with the Daylight Savings Time thing.

  4. John Sears says:

    Wayne: A little radiation might be acceptable, sure. But can we all agree on the menace that is Stephen King?

  5. Wayne Zombie says:

    Stephen King is indisputably a menace, absolutely agreed.

  6. - says:

    I resent no mention of us werewolves. certainly we SHOULD be on your map, in Western Washington and BC.

  7. John Sears says:

    It’s not our map, strictly speaking, it belongs to the Very Small Array people linked in the post.

  8. Richard 'Lon' Cheney says:

    I resent no mention of us hyenas. Certainly we SHOULD appear as many bright targe– errhh surveyor’s symbo– errhh quayl– errhh points of lights, on your map, such as Pepperdine, Liberty U, and so on.

  9. Richard 'Avast' Cheney says:

    “belongs to the Very Small Array people”
    do they fear water?

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