The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Brains for Lunch’: A More Zombie Friendly Book of Haiku?

After our recent review of ‘Zombie Haiku’, the ZRC was pleasantly surprised to learn that there seems to be a much more Zombie Friendly haiku collection out there, called ‘Brains for Lunch: A Zombie Novel in Haiku?!’ – and it’s even aimed at the next generation, who need positive Zombie stories most of all:

From Booklist
How many stories feature a middle school with a student body composed of zombies, monsters, and regular kids, and how often are such stories told through a series of nearly 100 haiku poems? Loeb, a zombie, is the main character, and he manages to win a poetry competition, develop a crush on the school librarian, and wind up with a regular-kid girlfriend, all despite his taste for human brains. Teachers preparing to introduce their classes to haiku are bound to welcome this outrageous effort. Let’s face it: many kids encountering haiku for the first time aren’t enthralled by descriptions of water droplets on lotus flowers, but lines such as “Ivy tendrils fall / Dark loops splayed across my arm / Hair, not intestines” may pique their interest. Adding loads of zing are the drawings by cartoonist Wilson, the perfect illustrator for a story featuring zombies. A funny, irreverent, and unconventional verse offering that’s sure to find wide curricular appeal. Grades 5-8. –Todd Morning

I’m a bit wary of the gross-out humor, Zombies get a lot of that already, but considering the target audience it might be acceptable to let it slide this time. Otherwise it sounds very promising indeed, and I’m slapping it into the ZRC’s queue for (eventual) review.

Hat tip to BuyZombie for pointing this one out to us.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


One Response to “‘Brains for Lunch’: A More Zombie Friendly Book of Haiku?”

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