The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Thursday at the Protests, Pictures, Walker+Koch and More

Lots to see here at the Flickr set for today, but I have to get going downtown to spend the night at the Capitol, so I’ll just put up a few choice shots.

First, however, the news:

The big news today for the protesters was the released audio of Scott Walker talking to a man he thought was his major campaign contributor David Koch. Amongst other things, Walker spoke of sending agents provocateurs into the peaceful rallies to create a ‘ruckus’ and discredit us. He discarded the idea, by his own admission, not because of the risk to our lives and wellbeing in creating, well, a riot, but because he was afraid it would work against his political interests.

As a result you saw a lot of photos like this: IMG_0305

and this one, praising the journalist who deceived Scott Walker into making the candid admissions:

For the record, Madison’s police chief is not happy at all about this plot of Walker’s, and he’s demanding answers from our Governor in Hiding. Also displeased is former Wisconsin Attorney General Peg Lautenschlager, who helpfully outlines a number of laws Walker may have broken, along with ethics violations and generally being a jerk.

So to reiterate: our Governor seriously entertained the thought of using secret saboteurs to infiltrate the crowd and cause some sort of riot.

A crowd full of the elderly, the infirm, small children and, above all else, PEACEFUL PROTESTERS.

This man deserves a prison cell. Period.

In brighter news, the New York teachers unions sent us bagels from the only real NYC-style bagel place in town:


A cop actually took this picture for me since my hands were shaky from not eating yet in the day:


A Predator says that Walker is bad for Wisconsin:


Finally I took part in a rally off the square against lobbyists for Koch Industries, the very people who Scott Walker is so chummy with he’ll discuss his crimes over the phone:


The people in the office building watched us, and sometimes took pictures themselves.

Well, that’s about it for the day. I’m off to spend the night at the Capitol.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


One Response to “Thursday at the Protests, Pictures, Walker+Koch and More”

  1. [...] Thursday at the Protests, Pictures, Walker+Koch and More Feb 24, 2011 … Thursday at the Protests, Pictures, Walker+Koch and More. Lots to see here at the Flickr set for … [...]

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