The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Latest on the Red Cross Sale

Well, the first batch of stuff for sale came and went recently; I’m looking to put more up soon, but in the meantime I’ve put the shirts and the wristbands (which are selling quite well) back up on Ebay; the link is at the bottom of this post.

I want to thank all the ZRC readers and purchasers; between the Ebay auctions and selling one piece of art the ZRC had been given, offline, we’ve raised about 250 dollars for the Red Cross so far, which is great.

But we can do better. So please, if you want one of the very last of the original series ‘Ban Headshots’ garments, or one of the not-terribly-limited-but-still-ridiculously awesome ‘Zombie Strong’ wristbands, buy one from the Ebay sale, and 100% of the proceeds go to the Red Cross. We get nothing except the knowledge that Zombie fans are once again helping out a worthy cause.

All items in the auction can be seen at this address. Thanks again from everyone here at the ZRC.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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