The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Jonathan Coulton’s Evil Influence Strikes Again

I mean, just look at this incredibly elaborate Youtube video/recreation of the events described in notorious Anti-Zombie hate speech/song ‘Re: Your Brains’:

Yeah. Isn’t that just stunning? A great deal of serious time and effort was put into this homage to intolerance, and all the ZRC can say is that we’re appalled. Appalled and stunned. Once again we see the truly insidious nature of Mr. Coulton’s plan, as the release of the original Re: Your Brains under a Creative Commons license has allowed these innumerable permutations and derivations to spread across the internet like a bad rash.

Of course, if you’d like something CC licensed that isn’t evil, all the ZRC’s original content is released under a CC-Non-Commercial-By-Attribution license. Just keep that in mind, copyleft enthusiasts.

Meanwhile we once again condemn Mr. Coulton in the harshest and most unforgiving of terms. For shame. For shame.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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