The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

“Age of Zombies” Pushes Living Supremacism Through Simulated Time Travel

Depressingly, the variety of Anti-Zombie videogames just seems to keep increasing at a steady clip. Perhaps tiring of the Zombie Apocalypse theme, Anti-Zom developers are branching out:

There’s no denying it. Zombie games make money. No one has anything against a good zombie game really, it’s just that there’s a lot of them. So we needed to try something different. We didn’t want to kill zombies in the usual way. We didn’t want to survive a deadly undead army in the ruins of some scary-ass town. We wanted to travel through time and shoot zombie dinosaurs and mummies and junk. So, we created Age of Zombies!

To conduct field research, the development team actually journeyed back in time to experience what it meant to really blast zombie faces with guns while standing around the Pyramids and Japanese villages and such.

Somehow I doubt that these guys actually have a time machine, but the point is clear: move over Zombie Apocalypse, we’re putting Zombie massacres into quasi-historical settings for the bloodlust of the slack-jawed, twitchy-thumbed Anti-Zombie gamers of the world.

Distressing. ‘Age of Zombies’, with its anachronistic regression into violence against the Differently Animated, is out for all sorts of platforms. iPhone and iPad, PSP and PS3, etc.

I’m going to go watch the election returns and celebrate as Madison re-elects (b/c both candidates have been mayor) our Zombie Tolerant Mayor and remember that the whole world isn’t dominated by fear and loathing of the Differently Animated.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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