The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC at B-Movie Madness 2 (Photos)

Lots of images of our highly successful outing to B-Movie Madness 2 last weekend in Chicago. I apologize for the graininess of these pictures; our digital camera is rather elderly, and the new camera model we are looking to upgrade to doesn’t come out until next month.

(Images behind this cut to spare our bandwidth deprived friends unnecessary load time on the main page)

First up we have a couple of pictures of our table at the show, which incidentally reveal our newest product…



See those lovely green items in the center? Oh, how I wonder what they could be…


This is the namecard the nice people from The Horror Society gave us; it features a demon, not a Zombie, because they were featuring Night of the Demons on 35mm that evening.


Here are a couple of degenerate monsters posing with a giant, spooky-voiced anthropomorphic personification who should probably check to make sure his shots are up to date after touching them.


Here is an adorable Zom-baby, which was perched beside the cash register all evening. Awww.

We had a good time and hope all the fine people we spoke with did as well. The Portage is a very lovely theatre, historic but functional, and it will be a pleasure to attend future events. We’re tentatively planning to reunite with our hosts at The Horror Society in May for an upcoming show whose details are still TBD. More information as it becomes available, naturally.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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