The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Horror Society Has Exclusive Images from Rose White

The Zombie Rights Campaign has pledged its support for Rose White publicly before, so we thought you’d enjoy a link to some new and exclusive on-set pictures The Horror Society has up from the making of the film.

Now I know, there’s a lot of blood there, but it’s not Zombie-blood or Zombie-bashing for a change, rather, what you have here is good old fashioned fairy tale violence and horror.

You know, the sort of stuff that was in all the really good fairy tales were before they got Disneyfied. The Brothers Grimm were kind of insane, let’s be honest. Teaching children to behave by threatening them with being eaten alive by witches or wild animals is… out there.

At any rate, you should definitely check out the pictures, and then consider joining the ZRC in making a donation via the magic of Kickstarter.

Who knows, if enough of you do, maybe the ZRC can get itself an exclusive image to put up on the blog.

I have no shame.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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