The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘The Dead Must Die’, a New, Slick, Virulently Anti-Zombie Web Series

The ZRC has had to contend with more than its fair share of web videos bashing Zombies. From music videos to the odious web-series ‘Bite Me’, to the alleged comedians from Mega64 and their take on Zombies, which was a scourge both upon the Earth and upon our comments section here at the ZRC blog, the net has no shortage of Anti-Zombie video.


Thus it is with no great surprise but some sadness in our hearts that the ZRC has to bring you news of yet another high-profile miniseries of misery coming at you via the internet’s lengthy series of tubes:

New DailyMotion comedy/horror Web Series set after the inevitable ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE

“The Dead Must Die” is a new comedy/horror web series set after the inevitable ‘Zombie Apocalypse’. It will be launching today, the 6th of May at 12am EST as an Official DailyMotion web series.

There are 7 zombie fueled episodes, which will be appearing once a week for the next 7 weeks.

It follows two video game geeks, Steve (Stephen Russell) and other Steve (Jonny Helm) as they navigate through the wild terrain of their long awaited (and often discussed) zombie apocalypse.

Unfortunately, neither of them is really prepared for the reality of the situation…

Through blizzards, anti-zombie hate mobs, sand-eating, creepy nameless ninja chicks, crossbows, and moms, our heroes shall venture forth into this new world, where there is only one thing they can be certain of: that the dead must die!

Yes, the first episode is already available, and the ZRC has taken the difficult task of screening it upon ourselves.. the result is not pretty.

Well, ok, the video certainly is, and the writing, acting and editing are miles above ‘Bite Me’. There are some very nice effects achieved with lighting and acting, a couple of noteworthy sight-gags, and the two Steves provide a Clerks-like atmosphere of casual interaction among, let’s face it, exasperating jerks.

That is, until they get a chance to implement their already well-developed Anti-Zombie prejudices in the ‘inevitable’ Zombie Apocalypse.

It’s not spoiling much to say that there’s very little Apocalypse in this first episode, and not even any Anti-Zombie violence (yet). The series tips its hand however, both with the title and a snappy little bite of hate-song over the end credits proclaiming, once again, that interaction between the Living and the Undead is a zero-sum game and that the ‘Dead’ must perish to make room for the Living.


The ZRC is going to hold off on a formal review until at least one more episode is up for analysis, but it’s not looking good, let me tell you.

The first episode of ‘The Dead Must Die’, meanwhile, is embedded below, or you can visit them (and hopefully complain) at their site located here.

The Dead Must Die: Episode 1 – A tale of 2 Steves by thedeadmustdie

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


2 Responses to “‘The Dead Must Die’, a New, Slick, Virulently Anti-Zombie Web Series”

  1. This was one of the funniest things I’ve read about the Dead Must Die! Also I’d like to assure yourself and your dear readers, that throughout the series we take the wellbeing and prior humanity of our zombies very seriously. They used to be people too! One of our episodes is even titled “Every Zombie has a mother”

    you can see episode 2 at

    We really hope you keep watching, and sorry for the hate song.


  2. John Sears says:

    Sir, the use of the term ‘prior humanity’ reveals to us clearly that you have not in fact absorbed our Pro-Zombie message. Zombies aren’t pathetic husks of humanity that *used* to be vital, thinking human beings. You seem to have them confused with telemarketers. Zombies are in fact still human beings. They just sometimes lack pulses or an oxygen based metabolism.

    Zombies are people too. We will keep watching, as it’s in our best interests to keep an eye on you.

    We accept your apology for the hate song though. That’s a start.

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