The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

More Details on ‘Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City’ Gameplay Reveal Standard Gameplay Tropes, Anti-Zombie Twist

Capcom’s been a very busy company, and so they farmed out the code monkey work on one of their latest big Living Supremacist ‘Resident Evil’ titles to a Canadian firm with experience making tactical shooters.

Among the ‘exciting’ features previously revealed is the ability to use the Differently Animated as human shields. Delightful.

Now USA Today has a preview indicating that the game largely follows the standard outlines of online cooperative shooters, complete with cookie-cutter character classes, then adds its own savage twists:

The game features more tactical elements, as players choose between one of several classes and eliminate any remaining zombies. Classes include Assault, Demolition, Scientist and Medic. Each class has its own special ability, such as the Assault class and its unlimited ammo perk.

This skill proved particularly fun to use when combined with a grenade launcher, a group of zombies and an inviting gas station waiting to be blown up.

During a battle, zombies can bite players, infecting them with the virus and slowly morphing them into one of their own. Players can either find a spray to cure the disease, health packs to slow down the transformation, or turn into the undead.

This is where Raccoon City introduces an interesting new wrinkle. As a zombie, players can turn on their squad and start attacking.

And why shouldn’t they? Who would know better than a vicious Umbrella hired thug how badly they treat the Undead? It’s just logical, if craven, for them to lack the courage of their evil convictions and attempt to take out their ‘teammates’ before they get assaulted in kind. Naturally this is framed as a bad thing by the game and your typical journalist responding to said game, but the ZRC knows better.

We’ve seen the horrors of these games for a long, long time after all.

For shame, err, everybody involved. It’s a long list; you know who you are.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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