The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Patent Pending Video ‘Dance Till We Die’ – A ZRC Review

We love to review music here on the ZRC blog; if nothing else it’s a nice change of pace. So I wish I had better news to relate about the video for Patent Pending’s song ‘Dance Till We Die’, but.. we don’t.

In fact, the video does a great disservice by spreading not just conventional fears about Zombies consuming and converting the Living into some sort of involuntarily conscripted, dare I say it, ‘Army of Darkness’, but by spreading that fear even further than conventionally possible – to the one subgroup of Zombies often exempted from Anti-Zombie prejudice, those Undead individuals with dancing ability (think ‘Thriller’)

Yes, this video features a catchy song, Zombie choreography AND violence against the Living, along with the aforementioned forced assimilation. Great. Just… great.

This is only going to make it harder for Zombie dancers to find work, you know that, Patent Pending? Do you realize what you’ve done? It’s hard enough to get work if you’re Differently Animated in this economy…. good grief.

For wallowing in gore, scary imagery, both old AND new stereotyping of the Differently Animated, we award this video our lowest ranking, that of Living Supremacist.

For shame.. and now it's stuck in my head again!

The video is embedded below.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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