The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Stranger’ Zombie Movie Trailer and Boundless Zombie Rights Optimism

Very little seems to be available about this upcoming Zombie Film on the internet, but there is a trailer, so let’s engage in some critical analysis that may prove frightfully incorrect later when actual facts are available, shall we?

First, the trailer and description from Youtube:

A teaser trailer for the upcoming zombie film, Stranger. Directed by Eric Robbins. Starring Johnny Robbins and Dustin Hamman.

What can we glean about this movie from the trailer?

Well, it seems to be primarily about one lonely individual wandering the wilderness. We’re told it’s a ‘zombie film’ and yet we see no Undead explicitly in the movie; a couple of characters seen from behind or extending off camera might be Differently Animated.

Then again, let’s get crazy, and assume that the protagonist seen on screen IS the Zombie and just has an unusually ‘normal’ skin coloration for a Living person.. maybe this is a movie about a lone Zombie wandering the wild places looking for people who will accept him?

No? Bit too ‘Frankenstein’? Well, until information comes out to the contrary, I choose to be optimistic.

Via BuyZombie

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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