The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Square-Enix Teams Up with Known Living Supremacists to Flog ‘Dead Island’ at Comic-Con

We talked with some concern here on the ZRC blog about how Square Enix had picked up distribution duties on the odious Living Supremacist game ‘Dead Island’ to help ensure it receives wider release here in the US.

Well, their commitment to hating the Differently Animated doesn’t just extend to shuffling plastic around, as it turns out:

LOS ANGELES, July 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, has announced its lineup for San Diego Comic-Con, set to take place July 21-24.


Comic-Con attendees will be able to preview and play the following Square Enix titles:

DEAD ISLAND™ – In Deep Silver’s hotly anticipated action title, the lush island paradise of Banoi truly is a holiday destination with everything – including a lethal zombie outbreak.

In addition to being able to get hands-on with the games, Comic-Con attendees will have the opportunity to gain a new perspective on both DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION and DEAD ISLAND. Two one-hour panels devoted to the games are available to attendees:

Friday July 22, 7:30 pm: Find out what makes DEAD ISLAND’s zombies tick as GamePro’s science editor, Andrew Groen, joins Dead Island writer Haris Orkin, Harvard psychiatrist and author of The Zombie Autopsies, Dr. Steven C. Schlozman, author of The Zombie Survival Guide Max Brooks, and UC Berkeley’s neuroscience expert Brad Voytek to explore the misunderstood monsters in a panel that will be anything but dead simple. Shuffle to Room 8 to pick their brains.

Yes, they’re going all-out with this one, teaming up with Harvard doc-turned-Anti-Zombie bigot Steven Schlozman and world-famous Zombie hating paranoiac Max Brooks to host an all-star panel of evil, and hey, they’ve even pulled in another ‘expert’ willing to testify about why we should demonize and oppress an entire vitality status minority group to make certain deeply inadequate individuals feel better about themselves.

Congrats, Mr. Voytek, you’re joining the Big Leagues here! Just remember to dress smart when you peddle pseudo-science to justify discrimination, you don’t want to come off as a quack.

*rolls eyes*

I am deeply disappointed in Square Enix, but perhaps not surprised. There’s a rising tide of Anti-Zombie hate in both Europe (where ‘Dead Island’ originates) and Japan, home to SE. The temptation to sell something other than Chocobos for huge profit in America must have been too great for them.

Pity. There goes the ZRC’s respect.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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