The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘World War Z’ Gets Hungry (For Something Other than Prejudice)

I am continually saddened by the level of community support for this awful project:

Filming in Cornwall of Brad Pitt’s latest blockbuster was nearly brought to a halt for lack of sustenance – until a local delicacy saved the day.

The 47-year-old Hollywood superstar is in Cornwall filming scenes for zombie action film World War Z off the English Channel coast and on a ship in Falmouth harbour.

But when rough seas hampered delivery of lunch to hundreds of the cast and crew offshore, some of the 500 local extras suggested they try Cornish pasties.

Local bakery firm Rowe’s was brought in, and sent 700 pasties to the production to feed all the hungry mouths.

“All of our staff involved can now say with a sense of pride they contributed to the production of a film starring one of Hollywood’s best know actors,” Mr Pearce added.

It is unclear whether Pitt himself tried a pasty, as he is reportedly a vegetarian and one of the main ingredients is beef.

I wonder if part of Pitt’s prejudice against Zombies comes from their nutritional needs, and how some of them regrettably but unavoidably need to eat human flesh to survive?

If so that is just another layer of unfortunate prejudice to add to the list.

For shame, err, Cornwall I suppose, for supporting this film.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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