The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Dead Wait’ Season 2 Trailer Showcases More Anti-Zombie Webseries Hate

You know, I’ve watched more Zombie-bashing webisodes than I care to THINK about but we still miss some here at the ZRC, and so I haven’t seen any of this ‘Dead Wait’ show yet. Apparently it was popular enough amongst the bloodthirsty internet crowds to get a second season, and the trailer delivers on violence and something that I’m sure is supposed to pass for humor:

Really, the baseball bat with nails thing? *Somebody* hasn’t been paying attention to Max Brooks and his (pedantic) lectures on using simple and utilitarian weaponry in the ‘Zombie Apocalypse.

I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing though.

Anyway, you’ve seen the trailer now, so consider yourself informed: this evil is out there… cackling. Cackling about hurting the innocent Differently Animated.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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