The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

‘Zombie Apocalypse Store’ in Vegas Shows How Low People Will Stoop for Money

I suppose given the absolute glut of Anti-Zombie merchandise on the market today it was only a matter of time until someone decided to open a brick and mortar emporium dedicated to hating and fearing the Undead, but, wow:

If and when the world is taken over by zombies — or another type of menace, but especially zombies — one Las Vegas man wants to make sure people are prepared.

Mike Monko, owner of the Zombie Apocalypse Store at 3420 Spring Mountain Road, has turned his artificial-lawn supply store into a one-stop shop for fighting off the walking dead and surviving other predicaments.

Monko opened the store in late November with a mix of zombie-related merchandise, such as as T-shirts, posters and bumper stickers, and survival supplies, like instant foods and water purifiers. He also sells stun guns, crossbows and edged weapons, like a 20-inch machete, “just in case.”

Good grief. He even sells blades? To obviously unstable individuals petrified of their Undead neighbors and fellow citizens?

This man is a menace. A genuine, certified, certifiable menace to the Zombie population of Las Vegas!

Needless to say The Zombie Rights Campaign objects to this whole enterprise. What’s next, a store to guard against immigrants? I bet it’d go over big in Arizona!

*grits teeth* *sighs*

It’s going to be a long, long struggle for Zombie Equality, isn’t it?

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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