The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC Public Appearance: The Dark Carnival 2013

The Zombie Rights Campaign was proud to attend The Dark Carnival film festival every year in Bloomington, Indiana as one of our favorite venues to see the latest in cutting-edge, independent Zombie cinema. Over the years we saw some of the best, worst, most offensive and most enlightening films that the independent horror world had to offer there, everything from ‘George’s Intervention’ to ‘A Break in the Monotony’ to ‘Dead Friends’ and ‘A Chance in Hell’. So we were a bit saddened when it looked like the 2012 Dark Carnival might be the last.

But like the Undead themselves, The Dark Carnival is hard to keep down, and it has returned, Different perhaps but still, to stretch the metaphor, quite animated:

We are excited to announce a new (but very old) venue for the Dark Carnival Film Festival for 2013. This year, the festival will be held at the historic Crump Theater in Columbus, Indiana. Built in 1874, the Crump is the oldest theater in the state, and it’s also recognized as being among the most haunted places!

Given the DC’s excellent track record in providing us with interesting and occasionally quite enlightening films, I think we can safely say we’ll be returning this year. Columbus, IN could use some Zombie Rights agitating I’d wager!

And it wouldn’t be a Dark Carnival, at least for me, without some ZRC picketing. Though I may be biased.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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