The ZRC Trip to ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2014 with Pictures
Hello out there, Zombie Rights supporters!
This is our slightly belated post about ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street’ 2014; there were some slight camera issues but it’s all worked out now.
Saturday, October 25th the Zombie Rights Campaign once again traveled to, well, chilly Elgin Illinois for their Halloween spectacular/outreach event known as ‘Nightmare on Chicago Street‘. In the few years we have been going it has grown from a relatively small street festival to an almost outrageously large Halloween bash. That’s good!
Unfortunately it hasn’t grown significantly more Zombie tolerant, despite our efforts. That’s bad!
Oh well. We got to go out, talk to a bunch of people, Living and Zombie alike, and bribe many Chicago area humans with candy to be more appreciative of the Undead.
In particular, our campaign to Ban Headshots (for being unfair to the Differently Animated) seems to be getting off to a solid start. Several people said they would support a ballot initiative to that effect!
Others even wanted us to produce a Voter Guide, which we will *definitely* do for the big 2016 election year once I am out of school. After all, Zombie Rights is the issue of our time, and you should vote accordingly.
More pictures here.