The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC Review – Fear the Walking Dead Season 2, Episode 6, ‘Sicut Servus’

Before we get into documenting the many atrocities, you might be wondering about the title of this episode, as your ZRC Reviewer was. I recognized it was latin, but didn’t know the phrase; apparently it is part of a Psalm and also the name of a famous piece of Renaissance church music. Roughly translated, it means ‘Like a deer’, but could also encapsulate the concept of wandering or longing.

Having watched the episode, the ZRC longed for a more Zombie tolerant media, anyway. Details below the spoiler-hiding cut.

Our heroes, last seen escaping from some particularly inept pirates, reach Baja California after an ill-fated encounter with some border patrol boats. Luis, Strand’s contact from Mexico, dies in the process, but otherwise everyone arrives as planned, and, *gasp*, goes ashore.


Guess we will have to stop calling this show ‘Jerks on a Boat’ for the time being on Twitter.

They arrive back at Strand’s desert compound to find that his (fiancee? boyfriend? husband?) has been bitten by one of the infected, possibly as a result of a shadowy mass murder incident hinted at during the opening credits.

En route to said discovery, Chris shows a certain reluctance to ‘save’ Madison from a local Zombie, which causes consternation amongst the trigger-happy cast. Or at least, Alicia and Madison.


Even worse for Team Boat, Luis’s mother (and adoptive mother of Strand’s bitten friend) in a somewhat… cultish… way. And she dislikes Strand quite a bit.


(Celia conflating Zombies and ghosts)

From a Zombie Rights perspective, Celia’s belief system is interesting but still slightly unfortunate. She sees Zombies as people (which is good!) but does not believe much in their agency (which is bad!). In fact, in the episode’s big reveal, she has confined the local Zombie population to a caged cellar.


Shades of Hershel here.

Naturally this will lead to conflict with our roving band of murderers as soon as they get their land legs back, the ZRC is certain. Sigh.

The Zombie population of the Kirkmanoverse continues to fall on hard times in Fear the Walking Dead.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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