The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

ZRC Review – Fear the Walking Dead Episode 7, ‘Shiva’

Continuing to catch up on the recent exploits of the Anti-Zombie crew OFF a boat, the ZRC reviews ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ midseason finale below the spoiler-obscuring cut’.

At the end of last week’s episode it was strongly hinted that Strand had executed his lover rather than allowing him to be revived as a Zombie and completing a Zombification pact.

We waited to comment on this because, let’s face it, apparent deaths are a dime a dozen in the Kirkmanoverse. We’ve become skeptical about them.

But yes, it seems Strand did in fact display that level of Anti-Zombiism, and now Boat Crew are going to be thrown out of the compound.

Until Nick goes out and miraculously finds, and retrieves, Zombie Luis.


Now, two things here. Nick claims, and appears, to have turned over a new leaf vis a vis hating Zombies. And Celia clearly doesn’t want them harmed. Yet they both are perfectly fine with him bathing in Zombie blood to sneak around the Undead population outside the walls of the compound.

This does not entirely compute.

The other thing is that it’s a remarkable coincidence that Nick was able to find Luis at all. I’m fairly certain they dumped his body at sea. Unless Celia is right and Luis really was finding his Zombie way home almost entirely on his own, and Nick just stole the credit.

At any rate, Celia grants Boat Crew sans Strand a reprieve, and holds a rather politicized funeral for her adoptive son.


So close to tolerance, but not quite there, Celia.

Boat Crew Cap’n Madison meanwhile exploits Celia’s charitable nature to try and kill her via confinement with Zombies.

Which I think we all know will turn out to be a hoax in the midseason premiere.


Wikipedia claims August for said premiere.

Until next time, Zombie Rights fans!

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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