The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

New Abuse of ‘Zombie’ Term: ‘Zombie Shares’

| July 24, 2011

You’re probably familiar with this more-than-a-pet-peeve of ours by now, but let’s review for the less enlightened just joining us here at The Zombie Rights Campaign: ‘Zombie’ is not a synonym for ‘bad’, ‘wrong’, or ‘thing I just don’t like’. Zombies are a class of people (or, in some cases, other Unliving things) that have [...]

Tragedy Brings Zombie Bashing: Post-Katrina Six Flags New Orleans

| July 4, 2011

Another day, another tenuous excuse to bash Zombies when talking about anything unpleasant to the writer. Case in point: in 2005 Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, or to be more precise, it triggered the complete collapse of ridiculously antiquated and defective flood control systems, and the subsequent waters devastated New Orleans. A Six Flags park [...]

‘Zombie’ Stars Now? Not Hugely Accurate but Less Inflammatory

| July 3, 2011

Look, seriously, journalists out there? Stop calling everything Zombie. Just because something is dormant or acts a little differently or in a way you disapprove of, that does not make it a Zombie, with all the challenges that entails and rights that it SHOULD entail. Still, at least this most recent example isn’t as patently [...]

Another Egregious Slander of the Differently Animated by the Ignorant

| June 1, 2011

You know, it’s hard enough to stomach cruelty directed at the Differently Animated from the usual suspects: rednecks, independent film directors, Max Brooks. But when a supposed voice for tolerance and open-mindedness defames Zombies in the very midst of a piece on how society should be less judgmental, it takes your breath away. If, you [...]

On Twitter ‘Zombies’ and Actual Zombies on Twitter

| May 20, 2011

We’ve written before here on the ZRC blog about the unfortunate tendency of many commentators to use the word ‘Zombie’, a term designating a group of individuals by their unique cultural and to some degree biological/political status, as a term for ‘anything I object to’. Most frequently, ‘Zombie’ misappropriated in this fashion is an adjective [...]

Mattess Makers Try to Sell You a New Mattress with Zombie-Baiting Imagery

| May 18, 2011

You know, every time I think that the ridiculous trend of combining absolutely everything with (hating) Zombies might finally have reached its peak, I see something even more ridiculous. Case in point: the Zombie Apocalypse, or rather its cliche imagery and tropes, are being used to sell mattresses, with sleep deprivation recast as ‘Zombieitis’. I [...]

On Comparing Zombiism Unfavorably to Ennui

| May 16, 2011

Really, sometimes our adversaries in the Anti-Zombie Movement are just childish. Case in point: equating Undeath with the common boredom and dissatisfaction of adulthood: In his 1982 hit, Jack and Diane, John Mellencamp captures the allure, terror, and truth of the modern zombie in a single line: “Life goes on long after the thrill of [...]

‘Zombie Economics’ Proves We’re Not Through the Woods Yet on Zombie Flavored Creativity Substitutes

| May 4, 2011

Uggh. Just… ugh: There is a plague sweeping the land, and you must prepare yourself. Are you ready for the creeping dread of unpaid bills? The sheer, unrelenting horror of bankruptcy? The non-stop terror that are creditors? Will you live to survive another day, or will you succumb to the apocalypse of Zombie Economics? … [...]

Proof the ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ Has Jumped the Shark

| April 28, 2011

I know I harp a lot on how tired I am of hearing about the allegedly imminent ‘Zombie Apocalypse’, and how overplayed the entire concept has become with everybody and their brother writing, drawing, shooting, directing or starring in a ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ product. I present to you, however, perhaps our strongest argument yet that people [...]

More Zombie Hotels? Not Really; More Lazy Journalism

| April 22, 2011

Here’s another misuse of the Zed word for the list: The glut of hotels built as the Celtic Tiger roared, has created a dangerous combination for Ireland’s tourism secter — too many hotels… many of which would have closed but were bailed out by the Irish banking system. The result… the Zombie Hotel – a [...]