The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Interesting Interview with Patricia Tallman

| October 21, 2011

A fascinating Q&A with Patricia Tallman of the Savini ‘Night of the Living Dead’ is up at BuyZombie. Needless to say we read this with great interest here at the ZRC and suggest you do the same. A highlight: 6). As this is a zombie site, tell me about your experiences on “Night Of The [...]

What Fresh Evil is Tom Savini Up to?

| June 7, 2011

It’s always good to keep an eye on Tom Savini and George Romero; they pop up unexpectedly from time to time and when they do it’s rarely good for the Differently Animated, ‘Creepshow’ aside: Tom Savini is a freaking legend, the guy has provided us with some of the greatest gore f/x for years, using [...]

George Romero’s At It Again

| April 15, 2011

From the 14th to 19th centuries, Bubonic plague, aka the Black Death, repeatedly struck and utterly devastated Europe, each time causing untold devastation and the deaths of millions, only to largely disappear for decades, even centuries, before returning with a vengeance to any particular locale. I mention this only to illustrate that some pestilences upon [...]