The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Live from the Capitol

Hey, ZRC fans. I’m reporting to you live from the second floor of the Capitol building; the crowds here are considerably larger than yesterday, and the unions are out in force.

Meanwhile, as we speak, the Assembly session is being broadcast live over the PA system; Rep. Tamara Grigsby is actually leading the crowd in chants over the live video feed. We’re so loud that she can hear us from inside the Assembly.


To Jon Stewart: somethings you have to be ‘chanty’ to be heard.

More updates to come.

Update #1: A rep is on now, don’t know his name, talking about how Walker’s incredibly bad performance is scaring businesses *away* from Wisconsin. Basically: businesses don’t want to spend money or expand in a state whose government is falling into chaos and whose taxpayers are out in the streets every single day.

It looks kind of… risky, you know? Illinois doesn’t have thousands of people occupying its Capitol, so far as I know. Why not stay on their side of the line?

Update #2: People talking about how if you cut state worker’s pay sharply, they cut spending and businesses go under. Gee, you think? Austerity’s killing the UK. It’s bad for everyone, Zombies included.

Remember; Zombies like to spend money. Zombies like to go out to eat. But if all the good restaurants close, where will they do so?

Update #3: Now a rep is talking about how Walker’s trying to turn Wisconsin into Mississippi; low wage, low skill, lousy schools.

Won’t someone think of the Zombie kids who need good schools?

Update #4: Now a Dem rep is talking about how the Republicans are hiding from their own constituents here in the Capitol, won’t meet them, even in private, even with the building full of cops.

Cowards. They’re as cowardly as a sheriff in a Romero movie.

Update #5: Now the national aspect of this is being brought up, how it’s happening in so many states at once, isn’t a coincidence. Talking about how some of the Republicans are or were union members themselves.

Update #6: And now mentioning how every major advance in social justice came over Conservative objection! Outstanding. To be expected from a Conservative ideology, which by definition ‘conserves’ though. Walker’s not a Conservative; he’s a Radical. Also mentioning the inevitable brain-drain when you turn highly skilled state workers into serfs. Amazing!

Time to get out in it. Be back later.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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