The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Zombie Bowling Balls?

This story is more than a tad bizarre, showing that, yes, they really will splash Zombies into just about anything these days:

Holy freakin’ crap, just look at those zombie balls.

You can thank the Jung van Matt/Elbe ad agency for this awesomeness. The bowling balls were designed to promote Germany’s 13th Street horror TV channel. I would say mission accomplished on that.

Now, on the face of it, we don’t have any objection to Zombie Bowling Balls here at the ZRC, though of course we would prefer they be done in a sympathetic and tasteful manner.

Judging from this promotional video, that certainly wasn’t the *intent* here:

13th STREET – Bowlingheads (Case Video) from RUOK on Vimeo.

Yeah.. hmm. I have to wonder if the spooked bowlers are plants or if that was real, but at any rate, between them and the spoooky editing (give it a rest with the shaky effects, guys, please), we’re obviously supposed to find these Zombie Bowling Balls terrifying.

Why is that, precisely? I can’t imagine. It’s bound to be a bit weird to seemingly jam your fingers into the image of *anyone’s* face, but why should a painted Zombie on a bowling ball be scarier?

I guess for some people Zombie will always equal Scary in their head, logic be damned.

Pity that. I suppose it still isn’t the worst Zombie related bowling thing we’ve seen lately.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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