ZRC Review of ‘Too Late’, A Short Film for Recommended Viewing
Rarely does the ZRC publicly urge our readers to see something without a review first, but I don’t want to spoil this for you. Discussion after the video behind the blog cut.
Too Late from SIDE FILMS on Vimeo.
Directed & Edited: Rani Naamani
Makeup & Set Dressing: Nedy Acet
Performance: Nelson Brown
Color Correction & FX: Carlos Puertolas
Did you watch it?
Wasn’t that amazing! I for one was so very pleasantly surprised by this sharp and extremely well-crafted satire of the ‘Angsty Turning Into a Zombie’ film subgenre.
Why should turning into a Zombie automatically be bad? Well, because you get a shaky cam, quick cuts, disturbing sound cues and gory special effects, that’s why! The filmmakers tell you so with their art, you see.
Only here the filmmakers turn those conventions on their heads and inject more than a little fun and personality into the process. We applaud their efforts.
For helping to undermine a particularly pernicious line of Anti-Zombie thinking in the cinema, the ZRC awards ‘Too Late’ a Zombie Tolerant rating. Good show.