On Non-Zombie Viruses and Site Business
The big auction is in two days, and the convention starts in a little over one. So why am I typing here and not working on the auction page for the site, or getting sleep, or packing?
Well, because the art director’s computer came down with a trojan this evening and it’s put a bit of a spanner in the works.
Not to worry; we’ll still do everything we were going to do. We’ll be at the convention all weekend, and the auction is definitely a go. It just means the snazzy new site features won’t be done until Thursday sometime.
In site-related news, we finally got around to setting up Akismet to filter spam comments. As a result, we’re not being inundated with porn spam and weird Russian gibberish, so we can open up the comments system a bit. I’m testing removing the ‘admin must approve a comment at least once before you can comment’ feature. If the spambots don’t find a way around it, we can all have a more pleasant Z-rights experience here online.