The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Wow, Lots of Dumb Responses to Mega64 Piece

We got a ton of responses to the Mega 64 piece I put up yesterday, and I have to say:

“Grow up, you mouth-breathing cretins.”

When we got back this evening from our trip to the Drunken Zombie Film Festival I saw dozens of comments in the queue and my first thought was, ‘Gee, I was pretty harsh there, I wonder if I’ve stirred up a hornet’s nest for nothing.’

I mean, it’s not like Mega64 is George Romero or John Russo or Lucio Fulci. We already have arch-nemeses.

Reading the comments though, I feel less conciliatory. Most (though not all) are crude and juvenile insults, often using vile slurs… not slurs against Zombies, but against ethnic minorities or sexual orientations.

Which is really on-point, people.

I was going to censor the most disgusting comments, but after talking with the art director, I’ve decided to leave them up. It’s a perfect testament to the staggering immaturity and stupidity of the audience that I’ve apparently offended.

Good show making yourselves look like idiots.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


21 Responses to “Wow, Lots of Dumb Responses to Mega64 Piece”

  1. Marcus says:

    You gay SON?

  2. NotPennysBotte says:

    Please, get off your high horse. And Mega64 fans don’t give a damn about being profane on this site because nobody reads it but you.

  3. John Sears says:

    To NotPennysBotte: It’s not so much being profane as being illiterate morons. Using anti-gay slurs is bad enough, but being unable to spell them? Seriously?

    You people obviously have access to the internet. Try googling if you’re not sure how something is spelled.

    Oh, and the whole calling someone gay as an insult thing is stupid to begin with. I guess this comes as news to the average Mega64 fan, judging by your comments, but it’s neither witty or germane to the discussion about Zombies. If you guys want to go gay-bash a civil rights lobby you’re looking for the Human Rights Campaign, not the Zombie Rights Campaign.

    Of course, doing so would prove you to be bigots in addition to the other character flaws readily in evidence.

  4. Toukon says:

    To John Sears: Although I am not a representative from Mega64, I do follow and support them and I would like to say that i don’t feel that I am apart of the normal crowd that has posted on these articles…

    I appreciate if you do not call everyone who supports mega64 “mouth-breathing cretins”. I understand your opinion on the basis but judging the whole mega64 community through the comments off a few comments on your articles.

    I would like to respond to both your articles by saying that I do not feel that you should judge mega64′s opinion of zombies in general by the acts of the crew in the short video that they produces. It is felt by most people in the gaming community that the whole “Zombies in Videogames” is being a bit too overplayed.

    I would appreciate if you do not use such harsh terms directed to the whole of the mega64 community. In the future please do not insult an entire community (mega64), I’m sure that this can be achieved with your opinion being stated in the process and read by many people.

  5. If the commenters are illiterate how in the fuck can they comment? Or read the posts for that matter?

  6. Danel Lock says:

    I would like to point that the only people who have left comments are, in fact, the people that you have accused of being “cretins”. First you write the most condescending article about a piece of entertainment that was not meant to be taken seriously, then tried poking the hornets nest for the hits this site has been getting over the last couple of days. Well, we took the bait, and whilst you may argue that you have the same right to post what you want, remember that gives, the fans of mega64, the same right to post how unfair this article is.

    Just saying, welcome to the internet sir.

  7. John Sears says:

    To Toukon: I specifically said I had gotten, at that point, about two useful comments. Take a look at the first Mega64 piece; I’m sorry, but those people commenting are, with perhaps two exceptions, not just idiots but furiously intense ones, and gay-bashers to boot. They are mouth-breathing cretins.

    Are all Mega64 fans idiots? Not entirely, as I said, there were a couple of comments that didn’t boil down to gay-bashing or puerile insult. Are most idiots? Most of the ones who come here seem to be.

  8. John Sears says:

    To Direck: did you look at those comments? I’m not entirely sure they are all being left by people; they could be bots that somebody sicced on me, for all the intelligence and human thought on display.

    (It’s certainly true that in the last couple of weeks Akismet has developed a couple of chinks in their armor.)

    I guess ‘functionally illiterate’ might be better. They can (with difficulty) read (some) of the words of a post, and then write something almost coherent, and largely misspelled, in response.

    A one line comment calling me a ‘faggot’ or asking if I’m gay doesn’t quite prove literacy, and that’s about 80% of what I got.

  9. John Sears says:

    To Danel: I can get more condescending. Believe me, and I think I will tomorrow.

    FYI: You’re not bringing that many hits. We get a lot more response from a project wonderful ad. What we’re getting here that’s special is a lot of comments that boil down to ‘faggot’ this and ‘gay’ that.

    I care when people discuss the issues. I care when we get to talk to authors, artists, creators, directors and filmmakers. I care when we raise money for charity. I don’t actually care that a bunch of oh-so-special and unique snowflakes have gotten riled up and convoyed over here to leave comments. If it was my goal to catch the attention of the Mega64 community I would have tried harder than a single link in a single short post. It wasn’t. I don’t know where people get the idea that this is the most important demographic on Earth, but it should not have been from me or the ZRC.

    Finally, you don’t have any ‘right’ to post anything here at all. This isn’t a democracy, this is a private website. You didn’t sign a TOS, we don’t have a contract, and the ZRC didn’t issue a magna carta.

    I only left comments open because it amuses me to see so many people so furiously upset because someone on the internet said something mean about an internet comedy show they watch. It’s adorable in a simple-minded way.

  10. Being able to read and write, regardless of prowess, proves literacy.

    On the same note, functionally illiterate = literate.

  11. Peirson Stoned says:

    I love how he writes as though he is a zombie…. that doesn’t help your case

  12. I’m really hoping this entire website is some big hilarious elaborate joke.

  13. Frankie says:

    John Sears: Mega64 fans are all idiots, bigots and mouth-breathing cretins.

    I’m offended as a Mega64 fan.

    I do, however, enjoy it when the Mega64 community rallies and starts posting inane and irreverent comments on anyone that bashes on them or on any youtube video that any of the Mega64 members even mention in a passing comment. It’s almost become part of the Mega64 experience.

    I think the reason that we love Mega64 so much is that this is a group of people who started this Mega64 project back in high school where they got their show put up on public access. To go from there to where they are now, which is, as a group of people who decided to do sketch comedy for a living and on the internet and have become successful enough that they can do it for a living, is quite an achievement.

    We don’t only see the Mega64 crew in their skits, we see them everyday when they share a video of some randomly funny or interesting things that happen in their everyday life and we also spend time talking to them on their podcast when they stream it live. Sometimes the podcast isn’t always live, but sometimes, we get to take quick road trips, or camping trips or days at the pool or a crappy restaurant. It’s these personal touches to the entire Mega64 product, along with the irreverent humor that makes Mega64 special. Even the smattering of posts that John Sears has received is kind of like an inside joke. Not that Mega64 ever encourages this type of behavior. They are all stand up guys and their humor has really helped me through some tough times.

    My favorite aspect of the zombie genre is how it reflect and makes us look at how we all lead our current lives and it makes us think about what things are really important to us and about how our way of living may not cause an outbreak, but could lead to an apocalypse. And while there is an oversaturation of zombie crap out there, there’s going to be the occasional World War Z or the Walking Dead that shows demonstrates why the zombie genre is so popular. The Mega64 video plays on one of my favorite aspects of the zombie genre , but changes it to how media about the zombie apocalypse effects the real world.

    John Sears was, in fact “pretty harsh there” when he reviewed a 6 minute internet sketch that was targeted towards the video game fan demographic in a way that you would review ‘ the latest independent filmmaking concerning the Undead’. Which roused up a slew of offensive comments. You were trolled on the internet, John Sears, get over it.

  14. Hey guys, this is John. I’d just like to say that I was completely wrong and that I’m sorry. Also, I would also like to say that I enjoy the sniffing of butts, as the foul stench of well executed fart is the only way I can archive arousal.

    The Mega64 video is great, and they’re right: zombies are played out and overrated. This website has been a whole mistake, and I have been a whole mistake. You can catch me on my new website at See you guys there!

    (Editor: Impersonating me won’t work, isn’t clever, and doesn’t fool anyone)

  15. Jenny the ZRC art director says:

    Ha! “archive arousal”.

    How does one go about doing that, anyway? Tape backups?

  16. Faggo says:

    Wow, John…it takes guts to admit you were wrong. I’m appreciative of your understanding of how you can’t judge an entire community on a single 6-minute video. However, I don’t feel that the link, regarding “A website with men and women in diapers” as appropriate and as relevant to the topic.

    I believe Frankie put it best when when he stated that the blatant outcry of calling Mega64 immature based only on about 35 comments on your website is unfair, and in a way, an inside joke.

    I might have considered you a man with no taste in good and original ideas when I simply browsed your site…which didn’t agree to my own tastes, and therefore is, pardon my cursing, shit to me. But then I realized: “Hey, you’re just a small majority of the internet, and everyone has their own opinions. So when a small majority of the Mega64 community criticizes you for your post, it’s just their own opinion”.

    So, John, I thank you again for changing your mind on this ordeal, and now that you see the true potential for Mega64, I encourage you to check out some of their other videos. may I suggest Assassins Creed?

    Thank You,
    The French Faggo

  17. John Sears says:

    It takes a special blend of ignorant self-involvement for a group to spam a private website with slurs, epithets and comments, then forge a fake apology from the site’s owner, then respond to that fake apology, already retracted by the actual people in control of the site, as if it were real.

    The saddest part is that so many of you who have come over to our site from the Mega64 forums act as if a: you are part of some earth-shakingly important cultural movement, as opposed to fans of some internet comedy sketches, and b: that everyone else is foolish for not recognizing the great and transcendent intellect behind said skits.

    I’m not judging the Mega64 community on the basis of that video; I merely judged the group and its alleged ‘comedy’. I judge the community on the basis that the overwhelming majority of the people who have come over here from your forum are crude, gay-bashing, semi-literate (at best) trolls who find the height of wit is found in insinuating that someone is a homosexual.

    In other words, that the people who have come here are, by and large, preposterously stupid.

  18. 4chan says:

    Dear Author,

    You recently asked, “Are all Mega64 fans idiots?”

    Yes. Yes, they are.

  19. Krista says:

    Great blog. Do the skit.

  20. Peirson Stoned says:

    The funny thing is if he wasn’t making a big deal of it we wouldn’t be at this point right now. So John know that not matter what it’s still your fault.

  21. If the milk’s bad, don’t drink it. However, we’ve got a bunch of spoiled milk and I hear there’s a blogger that loves to drink that shit.

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