The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Simon Pegg and Nick Frost Treat Aliens Way Better Than Zombies

Oh, we see how it is, Mr. Pegg and Mr. Frost, and the blatant double standard is NOT appreciated:

Reuniting once more, Pegg and Frost play two sci-fi/comic nerds on their way to Area 51 where they hope their adventure will turn up some evidence of alien life. Unfortunately for them, it does and it’s name is Paul. Like a hyperactive E.T., Paul is a crude, smart-mouth lifeform whose escaped from custody and hitched a ride with the duo in an attempt to get back home.

Get it? When it’s time to ‘parody’ the horror genre, they indulge in all its worst demagoguery against the Differently Animated and produce a virtual slaughterhouse of Undead massacre after massacre, interspersed with Queen and British humor, but when it’s time to make a sci-fi movie the Alien gets a free ride and a sympathetic ear. Zombies get ‘Shaun of the Dead’, but aliens get a road trip movie?!

It’s not just hypocrisy, it’s monstrously unfair. Apparently Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would rather have little grey illegal immigrants running around crashing their ships into our planet than even try to tolerate, let alone accept, native Earth people who just happen to have a slightly different metabolic arrangement than themselves.

What incredible bigotry and narrow-mindedness. Is this just a matter of skin color? What shade of grey do you have to be, precisely, to ‘earn’ their sympathy I wonder?

You can see the double standard on full display in the following trailer:

Thanks to Strange Kids Club for pointing this one out to the ZRC.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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