The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Harcos Labs: You Will Never Find a More Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

Our coverage of Harcos Labs (as seen here, here and here) seems to have struck a nerve, as they’ve resorted to the last refuge of all cruel tyrants, the brutal oppression of innocent civilians:

In response to @Zombie_Rights boycotting of @harcoslabs, Harcos is boycotting zombie rights. #itssadwhen intolerance leads to intolerance.
(Harcos Labs)

@harcoslabs How, precisely, do you boycott Zombie Rights? More to the point, you refuse ‘your’ Zombie THEIR rights, so this is no change

@Zombie_Rights How we are boycotting their rights: No cookies after draining, all are going into same cage, and shambling hrs reduced. #sry
(Harcos Labs)

Truly the fiends at Harcos are willing to sink to any depth to continue their depraved and abusive business selling energy products flavored with oppression. And, so they claim, Zombies.

Part GNC, part North Korea, Harcos Labs isn’t happy that there’s an advocacy group out there documenting their atrocities and speaking out against their dehumanizing affronts to decency, and so they’ve taken to abusing their hostages in an attempt to silence the ZRC.

Thus they’re now engaging in collective punishment against their already-mistreated Zombie captives.

As tragic as these events are, we can’t allow Harcos to win this way. The ZRC will not be silenced, no matter what new barbarism they sink to in the coming days, and we fully expect these creative sadists to think of something truly appalling.

Our thoughts are with the Zombies at Harcos Labs tonight.


Taking away their cookies? I think we all know who the real monsters are.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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