The Zombie Rights Campaign Blog

Upcoming Zombie Rights Campaign Events

It’s that time of year again: the sun is brighter, the birds are even more annoying, the squirrels and other local wildlife are preparing their siege of my backyard… and most importantly, with the long and ridiculously brutal winter over, it’s time for the ZRC to do some public events!

Here’s what our calendar looks like so far for Convention Season. We’re exploring yet more options for public appearances, so stay tuned for updates, but the following are set in stone. Some of the events are a bit unconventional so I’ll explain after each one why the ZRC is going and why it’s a perfect opportunity for outreach on behalf of Zombie Rights.


What: 4th Annual Chicago Zombie March
Where: Millennium Park, Downtown Chicago
When: June 11th, 3-6 pm

Why We’re Going: We had a great time last year despite traffic delays and being rained out, so this year with better planning the ZRC plans to make a huge splash.

Not in the creepy splash pools though.

That is NOT RIGHT, people.

What: The North American Discworld Convention
Where: Downtown Madison, Wisconsin at the Madison Concourse Hotel
When: July 8th-11th, 2011

Why We’re Going: Perhaps no man is more of an inspiration to the Zombie Rights Movement and our efforts to promote positive depictions of the Differently Animated than Sir Terry Pratchett, famous author and creator of the Discworld universe. Mr. Pratchett’s works have treated the Undead with subtlety and compassion, and above all, regard the Zombies within as characters and not props to drive the plot. We strongly considered naming our annual Zombie of the Year Award after one of his characters, Reg Shoe, as a matter of fact. One reason we chose not to do so was that it would then bit a bit strange if we ever presented Mr. Pratchett with the annual honor, and the ZRC wanted to be prepared for that possibility.

It really says a lot Sir Terry Pratchett keeps us on our toys like that for a *positive* depiction of the Undead. Hence why we’re going to this convention to honor his proud body of Zombie Friendly work.


What: Geek.kon
Where: The Marriott West in Madison, Wisconsin
When: September 9th-11th

Why We’re Going: The ZRC had a great time at Geek.kon last year, and even got to see a Zombie Ska band live at the convention. Oddly enough, however, the anime industry chose to jump on the Zombie bandwagon in a big way the year AFTER we went to our first anime con, so we absolutely have to go back this time. Between ‘Highschool of the Dead’ and ‘Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka?’ Zombies are big in anime now, and we need to help steer the American anime community away from the evil influences and toward the light.

Plus we can stock up on Pocky.

(note: last year’s dates)


What: The Dark Carnival Film Festival
When: October 18th-23rd
Where: Bloomington, Indiana

Why We’re Going: The Dark Carnival is without a doubt one of the best, widest-ranging, most open-minded independent film festivals in the country. Year after year they deliver stellar content and a great value, with original films from around the world, live hosting and innovative events ranging from outdoor carnivals and drive-in theatre screenings to live theatre and contests galore. We haven’t missed one yet, and the ZRC won’t be missing this year’s edition of the festival either.

As a matter of fact, we plan to be a sponsor. Last year we picked up the tab for a couple of awards; this year, finances willing, we want to be a bigger part of one of the few places we think Zombie Friendly film can get a fair shake.

Plus Baron Mardi, our current Zombie of the Year, will surely be there.


Those are the dates that are locked in, and we’re very excited about all of those events. The ZRC is also looking at a more ‘conventional’ horror convention where we could try to guilt some of the Walking Dead stars and we’re keeping an ear out for some good protest opportunities, particularly in the Chicago area.

If you are involved with or run an event in the Midwest you think the ZRC would be ideal for, and (especially) if you’re willing to honor our service with, say, free tickets.. we will seriously consider picketing your venue.

It’s what we do.

PS: If anyone sees George Romero in the tri-state area contact us immediately and I’ll see what I can do.

About The Author

The role of 'Administrator' will be played tonight by John Sears, currently serving as President of The Zombie Rights Campaign.


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